Kindle The Fire

Do you want more movies, apps, games, music, reading and more, plus Amazon’s revolutionary, cloud-accelerated web browser? Here some features of Fire Kindle for Kindle Fire Full Color 7 “.
  • 18 million movies, TV shows, songs, magazines, and books
  • Vibrant color touchscreen with extra-wide viewing angle
  • Thousands of popular apps and games.
  • Ultra-fast web browsing – Amazon Silk
  • Fast, powerful dual-core processor
 Our all-new Kindle Fire will be released on November 15, 2011. Orders are prioritized on a first come, first served basis.
This HOT Product tend to SELL OUT VERY FAST!!
If this a MUST HAVE product, be sure to order now, to avoid disappointment.
We’ve done the research and spend lots of time for your interests.CLICK HERE to find out where to get the best deal on the Fire Kindle Best Price on Kindle Fire Full Color 7 inch.

Kindle The Fire More Features

Fire Kindle for Kindle Fire Full Color more Features, for example :

Your Favorite Apps and Games
Angry Birds, Plants vs. Zombies, The Weather Channel and more, plus a great paid app for free every day. All apps are Amazon-tested on Fire Kindle for the best experience possible.

Fast Dual-Core Processor
Kindle The Fire features a state-of-the-art dual-core processor for fast, powerful performance. Stream music while browsing the web or read books while downloading videos.

Magazines in Rich Color
Enjoy your favorite magazines with glossy, full-color layouts, photographs and illustrations. Choose from hundreds of titles, such as Bon Appetit, Elle, and Oprah. Special editions of titles like Vanity Fair, Wired, and GQ come with built-in video, audio and other interactive features.

Free Cloud Storage
Forget about memory – Kindle Fire gives you free storage for all your Amazon digital content in the Amazon Cloud. Your books, movies, music and apps are available instantly to stream or download for free, at a touch of your finger.

Fire Kindle on Amazon Silk

Page Indexes
While another browser might still be setting up a connection with the host server, Silk has already pushed content that it knows is associated with the page to Kindle Fire before the site has even instructed the browser where to find it. Traditional browsers must wait to receive the HTML file in order to begin downloading the other page assets. Silk is different because it learns these page characteristics automatically by aggregating the results of millions of page loads and maintaining this knowledge on EC2.

Persistent Connections
A typical web request begins with resolving the domain names associated with the server and establishing a TCP connection to issue the http request. Silk keeps a persistent connection open to the backend server on the AWS cloud so that there is always a connection at the ready to start loading the next page. This approach further reduces latency that would otherwise result from constantly establishing connections. Further, the connection between Silk and the backend infrastructure uses a pipelined, multiplexing protocol that can send all the content over a single connection. Establishing TCP connections for each request consumes time and resources that slow down traditional browsers.  In addition, the Silk backend server keeps persistent connections open to the top sites on the web.

Machine Learning
Finally, Silk leverages the collaborative filtering techniques and machine learning algorithms Amazon has built over the last 15 years to power features such as “customers who bought this also bought…” As Silk serves up millions of page views every day, it learns more about the individual sites it renders and where users go next. By observing the aggregate traffic patterns on various web sites, it refines its heuristics, allowing for accurate predictions of the next page request. With that knowledge, EC2 and Silk together make intelligent decisions about pre-pushing content to the Kindle Fire. As a result, the next page a Kindle Fire customer is likely to visit will already be available locally in the device cache, enabling instant rendering to the screen. For example, Silk might observe that 85 percent of visitors to a leading news site next click on that site’s top headline.

We’ve done the research and spend lots of time for your interests.CLICK HERE to find out where to get the best deal on the Fire Kindle Best Price on Kindle Fire Full Color 7 inch.